There will be 6 proposed amendments to the Florida Constitution on the ballot this November.

Of Florida’s current 13,564,035 registered voters, those who exercise their right to vote will have the final say on which are approved.

While most states require a simple majority for approval, Florida requires a 60% super-majority for proposed changes to our constitution to go into effect. 

Many voters often express frustration with not understanding the details surrounding certain proposed amendments, or  the unanticipated consequences of their approval. 

This site is dedicated to one of them...
Amendment 4

Right now, every Florida voter falls into one of three categories related to Amendment 4


Having or showing knowledge of a particular subject or situation.


Not having or showing awareness or understanding of the facts.


Having wrong or inaccurate information about a topic.

Our Mission is Twofold

1. To inform as many Florida voters as possible about Amendment 4 so they can make informed decisions when they decide whether to approve or reject this proposal.

2. To provide accurate information to Florida voters who have been misinformed about Amendment 4, intentionally or unintentionally, so they too can make truly informed decisions. 

Now, for some background...

Amendment 4 will be on the November ballot with the title Amendment to Limit Government Interference with Abortion  and the summary of the proposal will appear as seen below.

No law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. This amendment does not change the Legislature’s constitutional authority to require notification to a parent or guardian before a minor has an abortion.

If approved by voters, the following new section will be added to Article I of the Florida Constitution that will  impact Floridians for generations to come. This is the full text of the proposed amendment, which will dictate every provision stated within it.

Limiting government interference with abortion.— Except as provided in Article X, Section 22, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider. 

Pretty simple...or is it?

Keep in mind that if approved by voters, this brief text, and its consequences, will be enshrined in our state constitution from now on, unless a proposed amendment removing or changing it is approved by 60% of Florida voters at some point in the future. 

What’s at stake? 

Every Floridian should know there have been just under 3.5 million abortions reported in Florida since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. Additionally, third trimester abortions have been prohibited in Florida, with few exceptions, since 1976.

Amendment 4 would allow for abortions to be performed during the third trimester, as the proposed text states:

“...or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider.”

What does this mean? 

The “or when” is a transition in their proposed language from unrestricted abortion “before viability” (approximately 24 weeks) up to the point of birth

Essentially, anyone employed as a healthcare provider could, according to the text, determine the need for an abortion during the third trimester “to protect the patient’s health”, which is undefined by the proposed amendment language.

How is a third trimester abortion performed?

Do You Support This? 

If not, you are part of the overall
78% of Americans who oppose third trimester abortions.

What Now?

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